Function useExtensionContributions

  • A React Hook that provides all registered contributions for the given contribution point identifier contribPointId and optional contribution key contribKey. The latter is used for contributions that are objects and where each object property provides a subset of contributions. In this case, contributions are collected for the same contribPointId and same contribKey.

    Usually you won’t use useExtensionContributions directly in your components. Instead, you provide your own custom Hook for your contribution point identified by contribPointId.

    The contributions are returned as a mapping from extension identifier to extension contribution.

    See also the core.getExtensionContributions function, which is the non-reactive equivalent of this Hook.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • contribPointId: string

      The contribution point identifier

    • Optional contribKey: null | string

      An optional contribution key

    Returns ReadonlyMap<string, T>

    A mapping from extension identifier to extension contribution.

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