Interface CodeContributionInfo<TS>

Information for a contribution point whose contributions require loading and executing JavaScript code.

This is an optional part of a ContributionPoint.

interface CodeContributionInfo<TS> {
    activationEvent?: string;
    idKey?: KeyOfObjOrArrayItem<TS>;

Type Parameters

  • TS = unknown

    Type of contribution in framework store


activationEvent?: string

Optional activation event used to activate the extension, i.e., let it register its code contribution, so it can be later loaded from code. Usually takes the forms

  • "on<PointId>:${id}" which activates only the extension that provides the contribution with the given identifier, or
  • "on<PointId>" which activates all contributing extensions unconditionally.

<PointId> usually names a single contribution.

Example: For a contribution point identifier "commands" the activationEvent would be "onCommand" or "onCommand:${id}".

This property is used to generate activation keys from contributions with an ID-property named by idKey. Defaults to "id". The key usually points into the contributions processed from the manifest's JSON entries and kept in the framework's store.

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